Boost your business
with AI-driven solutions.

About us

8portal GmbH is a forward-thinking, technology-driven company dedicated to empowering businesses through the development of web applications, integration of cutting-edge AI technologies, and expert consulting services. Over the last few years, we have built a strong reputation for assisting our clients in prototyping new functionalities and features for their existing product portfolios.

Artificial General Intelligence supported Web Applications

Empower your business with custom AGI-supported apps designed to help you thrive in today’s competitive market. At 8portal GmbH, we understand the intricate challenges across various industries and work closely with you to develop tailored artificial general intelligence (AGI) solutions that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems.

Our team of experts combines their extensive knowledge of AI technologies with industry-specific insights to create applications that automate tasks, enhance decision-making, and improve customer experience. By leveraging AGI, your business will benefit from increased efficiency, reduced operational costs, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing market conditions.

By combining cutting-edge artificial general intelligence with industry-specific insights, we create innovative tools that enhance decision-making, optimize workflows, and improve customer engagement.

GPT Model Integration

Embrace the future of AI technology by integrating advanced GPT models into your business operations. These powerful language models have transformed the way we approach problem-solving, communication, and data analysis across a wide range of industries. By leveraging the capabilities of GPT models, such as GPT-4, you can significantly enhance productivity, streamline processes, and create a more engaging customer experience.

GPT models offer unparalleled versatility and can be customized to fit the unique needs of your organization, regardless of your industry. From automating customer support with intelligent chatbots to unlocking valuable insights from vast data sets, GPT model integration can drive innovation and growth. Our team of experts will work closely with you to identify the most effective applications of GPT models within your business, ensuring a seamless integration process that aligns with your strategic goals.

Innovative Prototyping Solutions

At 8portal GmbH, our collaborative approach to web application prototyping ensures that your GPT-related product ideas are brought to life effectively and efficiently. Our experienced team works hand-in-hand with your product management team to translate your innovative concepts into functional, well-designed prototypes. Our goal is to provide you with a clear vision of the end product, enabling you to make informed decisions during the development process.

By emphasizing open communication and iterative feedback, we ensure that the prototype aligns with your objectives and meets the unique needs of your business. Our expertise in GPT models and various other AI technologies allows us to develop prototypes that not only address current market demands but also anticipate future trends. With 8portal GmbH as your trusted partner in web application prototyping, you can confidently pursue your vision and unlock the full potential of your ideas.

Consulting Services

Our consulting services encompass a wide range of areas, including the introduction of best practices, prompt crafting, and more. We work closely with your team to evaluate your current operations, identify areas for improvement, and develop a customized plan to integrate AI technologies effectively. Our primary objective is to assist you in discovering new opportunities and optimizing the use of AI in your business for sustained success and growth.

We are dedicated to guiding you through the process of identifying and implementing the most suitable AI solutions for your specific needs. By focusing on providing actionable insights and tailored strategies, our consulting services aim to drive innovation and optimize your business processes.